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“I put the setting on when I got my phone and I don’t feel like figuring out how to turn it off.” First laugh of the day!

I love DND and I never use the focus options. Just good old “Do Not Disturb” kinda warms my heart. Do you remember when people used to get really ticked off if you didn’t answer their texts right away? That was it for me. Just because I have it doesn’t mean I’m going to respond to your demand. My brother had a spectacular outgoing message on his phone that said, “Leave me a message and … I’ll listen to it.” Sometimes I’d call him up just to hear it. Some people became completely irate at that message and it made me think a lot about the whole thing. I wish there was a similar option for texts. Yes, I’ll read your text, but I won’t necessarily respond to it in your time (or ever for that matter). A terrific response to people demanding a reply.

I read something years and years ago and have never forgotten it. John Wayne’s reply, when his assistant told him that Telly Savalas had called with something very important to discuss, was, “Important to who? Important to me or important to him?” Best reply ever.

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